Navigator | Part 3: the Infinity of Being

“Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one. ”

— Martin Heidegger

When night falls
I swing on the yellow banana moon
When the dawn breaks
I swing on the red apple sun
looking at the fairytale city
missing the Little Prince I have met
once upon a time

Is memory Persistent?
Purvi asked
She drew these digital clocks on plastic fabric
let them melt on the top of the city

Where is the end of the city?
looking at the traffic flowing through the bustling city
I asked 

My Mom told me,
the first word I learned how to say
was “Light
when she showed me lights on the street
how I wish to keep all the lights on
between heaven and earth

“Butterfly is me,” Purvi told me,
“when your sun rises
I want all my butterflies dancing
In the glow of dawn

Running in the psychedelic world
is like looking for your way out in infinite space 
“Why are there beings at all, instead of Nothing?”


I desire to own a toy
which only belongs to me
which is me
so I made one with plain white cloth
then asked Purvi
to give her a pair of butterfly wings

My little girl in red
sometimes I guess who you are
why do you live in my body
but never find the answer
I wish you a sweet dream
in the world I created for you


RCA | Navigator 1: the Shape of Time

RCA | Navigator 2: the Birth of City



Royal College of Art, London
2018.9.20 Thurs

Navigator | Part 3: the Infinity of Being”的一个响应
